Naples (ITALY) / With the presence of representatives of the AMCVS, of the AIFVS and of the AUFV / Preview of the film “STRADEDAAMARE. La scelta giusta” (Streets to love. The right choice) / May, 6, 2016 / Cinema METROPOLITAN, Via Chiaia 149 / Translated

Naples (ITALY) / With the presence of representatives of the AMCVS, of the AIFVS and of the AUFV / Preview of the film “STRADEDAAMARE. La scelta giusta” (Streets to love. The right choice) / May, 6, 2016 / Cinema METROPOLITAN, Via Chiaia 149 / Translated by Claudio Martino, AIFVS AUFV





Al microfono, Ciro Saverio ROMANO

In the morning of Friday, 6 May 2016,
at the cinema “METROPOLITAN” of Naples (Via Chiaia, 149),
it was screened, in national premiere,
“STRADEDAAMARE. La scelta giusta” (Streets to love. The right choice),
a medium-length film of 25 minutes produced by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – South General Territorial Directorate, with the collaboration of the Regional School Office of Campania and of the Unasca.
The film is not a commercial product,
but an instrument of education and awareness,
which aims at launching a safety’s and legality’s message to the young people:
traffic accidents depend on the driving behaviors that everyone decides to adopt.

“STRADEDAAMARE. La scelta giusta” is an experimental and unique film.
It is a social movie about road safety,
that is, a collective film, whose screenplay was written collaboratively by students,
through an educational process that has developed in the schools and is continued on social networks, especially on Facebook.

Protagonists the schools of the Campania region and their students.

At the center of the film, the life, the stories and the dreams of Diego, Luca, Sara and Mattia, four guys sharing the same drama: a car accident.

But when everything seems to be over,
fate intervenes and offers to the children a great opportunity:
to go back in time to reflect on their own driving behaviors and make the most important decision of their lives: “the right choice.”

The film is the last and important tile of the Action Plan
“For a new culture of road safety in Campania 2013 – 2104” (extended to 2016),
a joint effort of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, South General Territorial Directorate and of all the subjects of the Inter-institutional Technical Board on Road Safety in Campania.

After Naples, the film will be screened in the cinemas of the other provinces and in the schools of the Campania region.

Before the screening of the film and soon after, there was a brief debate with the institutions and with the managers of the project,
who explained to the press the initiative of “STRADE DA AMARE”.

They were also present representatives of:
– Associazione mamme coraggio e vittime della strada onlus (AMCVS), non-profit Association mothers courage and road’s victims;
– Associazione italiana familiari e vittime della strada onlus (AIFVS), non-profit Italian Association of families and road’s victims;
– Associazione unitaria familiari e vittime onlus (AUFV), non-profit Unitary Association of families and victims.

SOURCE: press release of the organizers

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