2015 Premi per il decennio di attività per la sicurezza stradale / traduzione di Claudio Martino ( AIFVS ).

2015 Premi per il decennio di attività per la sicurezza stradale / traduzione di Claudio Martino ( AIFVS ).
I premi 2015 per il decennio di attività per la sicurezza stradale offrono un’opportunità per riconoscere eccezionali contributi o risultati in una o più delle cinque aree pilastro del Decennio delle Nazioni Unite di attività per la sicurezza stradale:
Gestione della sicurezza stradale
Strade e mobilità più sicure
Veicoli più sicuri
Utenti della strada più sicuri
Risposta post-incidente

I premi annuali riconoscono contributi annuali, ma il 2015 DECENNIO DI ATTIVITÀ riconosce i contributi canadesi per la sicurezza stradale, che si distinguono per la loro lungimiranza e/o per la loro capacità di fornire una leadership in una o più delle cinque aree pilastro del Decennio delle Nazioni Unite di attività (ulteriorI informazioni sono reperibili all’URL www.decadeofaction.org).

I premi saranno cinque, ma essi non sono collegati direttamente ai cinque pilastri. Per esempio, due premi possono essere assegnati in relazione ad un pilastro e nessuno in relazione ad un altro, od un premio può essere assegnato per un lavoro che ha attraversato i confini di pilastri diversi. I premi sono aperti sia agli individui che alle organizzazioni. Il tipo di organizzazione non è specifico – può essere governativa, non-profit, di affari, educativa, o di qualsiasi altro genere. Le nomine per ogni premio dovranno spiegare in modo articolato come il contributo apporti cambiamenti per la sicurezza stradale del Canada in una o più delle cinque aree pilastro. I premi verranno presentati al 2015 TAC Conference & Exhibition.

2015 Decade of Action Road Safety Awards


The 2015 Decade of Action Road Safety Awards provide an opportunity to recognize outstanding contributions or achievements in one or more of the five pillar areas of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety:

Road Safety Management
Safer Roads and Mobility
Safer Vehicles
Safer Road Users
Post-crash Response
Annual awards recognize annual contributions, but the 2015 Decade of Action awards recognize Canadian road safety contributions that stand out as being forward-thinking and/or providing leadership in one or more of the five pillar areas of the United Nations Decade of Action (more information available at (www.decadeofaction.org). There will be five awards but they are not directly linked to the five pillars. For example, two awards may be given towards one pillar and none towards another, or an award may be given towards work that crossed the boundaries of several pillars.

The awards are open to both individuals and organizations. The type of organization is not restricted – it may be a government, non-profit, business, educational, or other organization. Nominations for each award should clearly articulate how the contributor is bringing about change for road safety in Canada in one or more of the 5 pillar areas. Awards will be presented at the 2015 TAC Conference & Exhibition.

Subject Area and Award Eligibility

Nominees may work in any sub-field of road safety, including but not limited to infrastructure engineering, vehicle design, road user behaviour, the regulatory environment, or statistical analysis. Nominations for work completed since the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety began in 2011 will be given preference, but work showing leadership in these areas before the launch of the decade of action may also be considered. Some examples of work in the five pillars are given below, but the lists are not exhaustive and work may cross the boundaries of more than one pillar.

Pillar 1: Road Safety Management

Work in this pillar may involve in the development of regional road safety plans, creation of multi-sectoral partnerships to develop and lead the delivery of road safety strategies, plans and targets, and innovations in data collection and evidence-based research to assess countermeasure design and monitor implementation and effectiveness.

Pillar 2: Safer Roads and Mobility

Work in this pillar may involve contributions towards making roadways safer and more accessible for all road user types, including vulnerable road users, by promoting the needs of all road users as part of sustainable urban planning, transport demand management and land-use management; promoting safe operation, maintenance and improvement of existing road infrastructure; or promoting the development of safe new infrastructure that meets the mobility and access needs of all users.

Pillar 3: Safer Vehicles

Work in this pillar may involve contributions to the physical or technological advancement of vehicles to positively impact safety of the vehicle occupant and/or vehicle interaction with the road environment and other road users, and includes work in the regulatory domain.

Pillar 4: Safer Road Users

Work in this pillar may involve contributions to improving road user attitudes and or behaviours towards traffic safety, which may include educational or awareness initiatives or changes to enforcement legislation or standards.

Pillar 5: Post-crash Response

Work in this pillar may involved contributions to improve responsiveness to post-crash emergencies response methods and ability of health and other systems to provide appropriate emergency treatment and longer term rehabilitation for collision victims. Nominees may also include health care professionals, those involved in post-collision communications, or emergency response agencies.

If a recent contribution is innovative and has a significant quantified realized or anticipated road safety benefit, it may also be eligible for the annual TAC Road Safety Engineering Award.

Nomination Requirements

A nomination may be made by submitting this one-page completed nomination abstract by December 19, 2014. Neither the nominee nor the nominator is required to be a TAC member.

This abstract is the first step of the two-step submission process. The abstract should demonstrate how the full submission would address 2015 Decade of Action Road Safety Award evaluation criteria as outlined below.

If the nominee’s abstract is approved, the nominating individual will be contacted by January 13 and invited to make a full submission to TAC. The full submission must be received prior to 15:00 Eastern Standard Time on February 13, 2015.

The full submission should be no longer than ten (10) pages of text on 8.5″ x 11″ sheets with size 12 font. Supporting documents such as photos and diagrams are not to be included in the ten-page limit and could be attached as an appendix.

Submissions should:

indicate pillar or pillars the nomination focuses on (road safety management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users, post-crash response)
outline the contribution or series of contributions made to the field of road safety;
describe how the contribution(s) demonstrated innovation;
describe the impact of the contribution(s) in terms of national or international dissemination and adoption, AND/OR in terms of realized road safety improvements, and/or in terms of life-altering societal-level impacts.
Your February 13 full submission (if abstract is accepted) must consist of an electronic file in PDF format. The full submission, with appendices if applicable, should be e-mailed to:

Luay Mustafa

Project Manager, Technical Programs
E-mail: lmustafa@tac-atc.ca

Review Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be reviewed and judged by an Evaluation Panel selected by TAC’s Road Safety Standing Committee (RSSC). The RSSC will invite other organizations with expertise across the pillar areas to participate in the evaluation panel.

Nominations will be judged according to the two criteria described below. Submissions that clearly demonstrate that a contribution succeeds under each criterion will receive top marks.

1) Degree of Impact (70 Points)

Impact should be described carefully. Evidence-based approaches where the degree of impact is supported by measurement, monitoring, evaluation, rigorous research, or theory will score significantly better than broad, postulated, and unsubstantiated statements of impact. The types of impacts are broad given the five pillars, but the requirement for evidence-based approaches spans across all pillars.

2) Degree of Innovation (30 Points)

Innovation in this case is national in scope and should be viewed through a “cross-Canada” lens. The degree of innovation shown in the contribution will be used as the basis for assessment. This may apply to anything from innovative technological advancements, innovative processes, innovative public consultation, innovative financing and project delivery, innovative engineering design practices or standards, or innovative leadership in collaboration.

Deadlines for the Road Safety Engineering Award

Abstracts to be submitted to TAC: December 19, 2014
Review Panel to complete screening of abstracts: January 13, 2015
Screening results to be communicated to nominees: January 13, 2015
Full submissions to be delivered to TAC: February 13, 2015 (prior to 15:00 EST)
Results to be communicated to nominees: June 25, 2015
Award Presentation

The awards may be given based on the recommendation of the Evaluation Panel and endorsement by the Chief Engineers Council. The 2015 Decade of Action Road Safety Awards will be presented at the 2015 TAC Conference & Exhibition. Award winners and other nominees may be asked to present during a special session at the conference to highlight the awards.

TAC thanks the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals, and Transport Canada for their support.



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