Cortometraggi sulla sicurezza stradale saranno lanciati presto. Come parte del suo impegno ad aiutare a prevenire incidenti stradali, l’Associazione automobilistica dell’India meridionale (AASI) distribuirà tre cortometraggi per istruire tutti i segmenti

Cortometraggi sulla sicurezza stradale saranno lanciati presto. Come parte del suo impegno ad aiutare a prevenire incidenti stradali, l’Associazione automobilistica dell’India meridionale (AASI) distribuirà tre cortometraggi per istruire tutti i segmenti di utenti della strada.
Rivolgendosi ai giornalisti sabato scorso, il presidente dell’AASI Sadasivam spiegò che, a fronte di centomila vite perdute per incidenti stradali nel paese, il Tamil Nadu ne deve conteggiare oltre sedicimila.

Short films on road safety to be launched soon. As part of its efforts to help prevent road accidents, the Automobile Association of South India (AASI) will release three short films to educate all sections of road-users.
Addressing presspersons here on Saturday, AASI president T. D. Sadasivam said of one lakh lives lost due to road accidents every year in the country, Tamil Nadu accounted for over 16,000 deaths.

“These accidents can be prevented if road-users are properly sensitised. Responsible road behaviour and good practices can reduce incidents of road crash,” he said. Utilising funds from a grant won from the Federation Internationale de l’ Automobile (FIA) located in Paris, the Association has come out with three films addressing different segments of road-users. The films were produced by Kavithalayaa Productions, a leading film and television production house, which has taken up the cause of road safety as its key CSR initiative.

Kandaswamy Bharathan, executive director, Kavithalayaa Productions, said a 30-minute documentary with the theme ‘Safety Begins with You’ was for a general audience, while a musical with the theme ‘Life is Beautiful’ targeted the youth and an animated film, ‘Ready Steady Slow’, was aimed at educating school students.

The films will be formally released shortly at a function in the city. The AASI plans to distribute the animated film free of cost to all schools and the musical to theatres and TV channels, said a release.

Keywords: road safety, films on road safety, Automobile Association of South India, road accidents


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