Giornata mondiale del ricordo delle vittime della strada / traduzione di Claudio Martino ( AIFVS )

Giornata mondiale del ricordo delle vittime della strada / traduzione di Claudio Martino ( AIFVS )
Ogni anno, la terza domenica di novembre, ricorre la Giornata mondiale del ricordo delle vittime della strada.
La prossima Giornata mondiale ci sarà domenica 16 novembre 2014.

Questa giornata si concentra sia sulla scala mondiale sia sulla devastazione individuale causata dalle morti e ferite su strada e focalizza l’attenzione sull’impatto subito dalle famiglie e dalle comunità nell’intero mondo. Quasi quattromila persone vengono uccise e diverse centinaia di migliaia ferite sulle strade durante ogni Giornata mondiale. Molti di più devono fare i conti con il lutto o gli effetti delle ferite ed entrare così a far parte dell’esteso gruppo di persone colpite dalla carneficina stradale.

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

REMEMBERING » World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Every year, the third Sunday of November is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

The next World Day is on Sunday 16 November 2014

This day focuses on both the overall scale and the individual devastation caused by road deaths and injuries and the impact upon families and communities around the world. Almost 4,000 people are killed and many hundreds of thousands injured on roads throughout the world every day. Many more have to cope with bereavement or the effects of injury and thus become part of the huge group of people affected by road carnage.

Remembrance activities

World Day of Remembrance events and services take place throughout the UK. Find out more about the types of activities taking place or how to organise your own activity.

If you are planning or know of an event and would like our help to publicise it, please let us know.

World day of Remembrance activities now take place in countries of every continent around the world. For more information about international activities visit a website developed by Brigitte Chaudhry, Founder of RoadPeace and president of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR).

RoadPeace’s World Day of Remembrance leaflet can be downloaded here.

This year, the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is on Sunday 16th November 2014

>> For a full list of services click here.


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