INDIA. Indore: cortometraggi per creare consapevolezza sulle regole stradali. Allo scopo di inculcare il concetto di traffico fra i pendolari, la polizia stradale ha deciso di produrre cortometraggi, come parte di una sua iniziativa tesa a diffondere la c

INDIA. Indore: cortometraggi per creare consapevolezza sulle regole stradali. Allo scopo di inculcare il concetto di traffico fra i pendolari, la polizia stradale ha deciso di produrre cortometraggi, come parte di una sua iniziativa tesa a diffondere la consapevolezza sulle norme stradali durante la Settimana della sicurezza stradale.
“Stiamo filmando due cortometraggi, aventi come tema l’uso del casco, presso la scuola di addestramento della polizia. I film saranno proiettati nelle scuole e nei luoghi pubblici per rendere consapevole la gente”, ha dichiarato Anjana Tiwari, ASP del traffico.

Indore: Short films to create awareness on traffic rules. With a view to inculcate traffic sense among commuters, traffic police has decided to produce short films as a part of its initiative to spread awareness on traffic rules during the Road Safety Week.
“We are shooting two short films based on the theme of wearing helmets at the Police Training School ground. The films will be screened at schools and public places to aware the people,” said ASP Traffic, Anjana Tiwari.

She added that jingles based on this year’s theme have also been composed. The same will be played as the caller tune on senior police officials’ mobile phones during the road safety week that will begin from second week of January.

IG Vipin Maheshwari on Wednesday held a meeting of the representatives of around 100 social, educational and commercial institutions to ensure their participation during the week-long activities.

Besides, representatives of auto-rickshaw, Tata magic, bus and truck operators’ unions, automobile dealers, shopping malls owners, doctors of 108 Ambulance service also took part in the meet.

IG Maheshwari and senior traffic officials informed the gathering about different activities planned to mark the week-long programme under Road Safety Week and also urged them to play their role.

All the activities will be based on the theme “When on the road, always say Pahle Aap” given by The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

“We have planned ‘Rangoli’ and debate competitions to be held at shopping malls and therefore sought the malls’ owners consent for the same. Similarly, flex will be pasted on auto-rickshaws, Tata magic and other means of transport with their permission,” added Tiwari.

The school children and NCC cadets have been given a theme ‘Choose your time, your day’ to seek their participation in the programme. In this activity, the students and cadets will be seen on the roads teaching the motorists to follow the traffic rules.

Car, bike and cycle rally will also be held. Besides, street plays will be staged by the volunteers at different spots of the city. The traffic police also hold a meeting with advertising agencies to put up banners on spreading traffic awareness at main squares of the city.


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