INGHILTERRA. La scuola di Hitchin riceve un riconoscimento per i corsi di educazione stradale per gli studenti. Una scuola elementare ha ricevuto un riconoscimento, da parte del consiglio della contea dello Hertfordshire, per il suo programma di formazion

INGHILTERRA. La scuola di Hitchin riceve un riconoscimento per i corsi di educazione stradale per gli studenti. Una scuola elementare ha ricevuto un riconoscimento, da parte del consiglio della contea dello Hertfordshire, per il suo programma di formazione per la sicurezza stradale rivolto agli scolari.
Al personale e agli studenti della scuola elementare di Wilshere-Dacre di Hitchin è stato consegnato un attestato di riconoscimento del successo, raggiunto dalla scuola, nell’insegnare, per cinque anni consecutivi, a bambini di quattro anni, ad essere buoni pedoni.

Hitchin school recognised for road safety training to students. A junior school has been recognised by Hertfordshire County Council for its programme of road safety training for pupils.
Staff and students from Wilshere-Dacre Junior School in Hitchin were presented with a certificate recognising the school’s achievement of delivering vital pedestrian training skills to Year 4 children for five consecutive years.
The school’s team of staff and volunteers including parents and governors were originally trained by the county council in 2009 and have since been successfully running the scheme under the co-ordination of deputy headteacher, Sarah Smith.

The award acknowledges the whole school’s commitment to promoting safe and healthy travel for the pupils.

Terry Douris, cabinet member for highways at the county council, said: “It is essential that all children receive comprehensive training in road safety, keeping them safe and equipping them with important life skills.

“I would like to congratulate the school and especially the volunteers for their hard work in ensuring the children are well prepared for independent travel, which is especially important when transferring to secondary school.”


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