Memorandum of Understanding to support the project LA CULTURA DELLA STRADA (road’s culture), signed on Monday, June 29, 2015, in Rome, at the convention center CAVOUR, Via Cavour n.50


Memorandum of Understanding to support the project LA CULTURA DELLA STRADA (road’s culture), signed on Monday, June 29, 2015, in Rome, at the convention center CAVOUR, Via Cavour n.50

Memorandum of Understanding to support the project LA CULTURA DELLA STRADA (road’s culture) (*)

The undersigned representatives of the following organizations covenant

– to carry out activities in support of the project LA CULTURA DELLA STRADA,

in particular,

– to promote and share actions for the road prevention and safety, to stop the road carnage,

– to spread the project within their own associations,

– to participate in the negotiation talks with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Education, aimed to present the project to the General Directorate for Mobility and Transport (MOVE) of the European Commission,

– to work synergistically with the entire network coordinated by the movement STRADA ALLA VITA (road to life).

(*) The project LA CULTURA DELLA STRADA intends to help human behaviors’ change in the roads, through the deconstruction of models inspired by competition and aggressiveness, in order to obtain that the “users” of the road become “citizens” of the road, lived as the first and most important place of social relationships.

Rome, 29 June 2015

Associations that have signed June 29, 2015, during the conference “STRADA ALLA VITA, PER UNA NUOVA CULTURA DELLA STRADA” (road to life, for a new road culture).

– Clelia FORMICONI, coordinatrice del movimento

– Claudio MARTINO, coordinatore del movimento

– per Franco COCCO, presidente dell’Associazione Roberto Cocco per la sicurezza stradale, Antonio MARTINO

– per Silvana TAVOLETTA, presidente dell’Associazione mamme coraggio e vittime della strada onlus (AMCVS), Claudio MARTINO

– per Alberto PALLOTTI, presidente dell’Associazione italiana familiari e vittime della strada onlus (AIFVS), Clelia FORMICONI

– Maria LO MORO, “NonSoloChiara”

– per Mariagrazia MAZZARACO, presidente dell’Associazione “L’albero verde della vita”, Patrizio IMPERATO DI MONTECORVINO

– Susanna LORIGA, presidente del Centro europeo sicurezza e autodifesa (CESAD)

– Giancarlo PIERMARTIRI, “Angelo protettore”

– Alfredo GIORDANI, rete di associazioni #VIVINSTRADA

– per Antonio TURRI, presidente dell’Associazione “I cittadini contro le mafie e la corruzione”, Stefano MORIGA

– Anna Silvia ANGELINI, presidente AIDE Nettuno Associazione indipendente donne Europee

– per Maurizio BISANTI, presidente dell’Associazione Gruppi Uniti Tutela e Giustizia per le Vittime della Strada (AGUVS) – Lecce, Lucilla BARBASINI

– Lucilla BARBASINI, presidente di “Angeli sull’asfalto”, sede affiliata AGUVS Terme Vigliatore (ME)

– per Rita TRASOLINI, presidente di SOSTEGNO DONNA (Cisterna, prov. Latina), Silvia ANGELINI

– per Gabriella ZACCURI, presidente di LIBERI DALLA VIOLENZA, Silvia ANGELINI

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