PETITION to transform Italy into a country where the road is a place of life and users are citizens of the street

PETITION to transform Italy into a country where the road is a place of life and users are citizens of the street
Adressed to the italian
– Prime Minister,
– Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
– and Minister of Education, University and Research
It is required that ITALY follows the guidelines of the European Community’s Third Action Plan for the road prevention and safety.
In particular, it is asked to turn the traffic education into Culture of the road.
A new school subject that overcomes the criticalities of road safety education,
a subject with two hours a week, in all high schools, which respects the values ​​of teaching and learning both cognitive and emotional, with a dignified curriculum, accompanied by verifications and evaluations.
It is asked by the students themselves.
In addition, it is required a continuous training of the licensed people, a training that can transform them from users into citizens of the road.
To affect the training means to help to improve-transform the behaviors on the road (just these are the major cause of road accidents) at least for 80 percent.
By this petition, we want Italy to become a civilized country on the roads and we want to decrease the victims’ number because of road accidents.
The petition comes from the experience in the schools and from a monitoring, carried out in the past, about the students’ and teachers’ needs, and from an active volunteering in the prevention’s field.
It is also requested that, in relation to the management of funds allocated to the prevention and road safety, the law on the transparency of the public administration is accurately and effectively applied.
The petition wants to help to stimulate the institutions for a social change, transforming our roads from bitter ones – wet with blood – into roads to love and live.
Prof. Clelia Formiconi Claudio Martino
( reference site: ) 

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