Roma (Italy) / Held the presentation of the book “Mobilità e violenza stradale. È tempo di agire. La sicurezza conviene a tutti” (Mobility and road violence. It’s time to act. Safety benefits everyone), edited by ACI and Foundation Luigi Guccione / Photos

Roma (Italy) / Held the presentation of the book “Mobilità e violenza stradale. È tempo di agire. La sicurezza conviene a tutti” (Mobility and road violence. It’s time to act. Safety benefits everyone), edited by ACI and Foundation Luigi Guccione / Photos and videos by Claudio Martino, AIFVS AUFV / 20.07.2016


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Photos and videos: Claudio Martino, AIFVS’ press agent and AUFV’s chairman


On the morning of Wednesday, July 20, 2016,

at the assembly hall of the Rome’s ACI-via Marsala 8,

It was presented the book “Mobilità e violenza stradale. È tempo di agire. La sicurezza conviene a tutti” (Mobility and road violence. It’s time to act. Safety benefits everyone).


The publication is the result of the work done by the groups which have been formed after the Conference on Road Safety, held on 11 and 12 November 2015, organized by the foundation LUIGI Guccione (

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