Moulins (FRANCE) / GREETING OF CLAUDIO MARTINO (AIFVS, AUFV) at the meeting of the European associations of families and victims of the road / 29.10.2016

Moulins (FRANCE) / GREETING OF CLAUDIO MARTINO (AIFVS, AUFV) at the meeting of the European associations of families and victims of the road / 29.10.2016
Good morning to everyone.
My name is Claudio Martino and I am here in the dual role
of member of the national board of the non-profit organization AIFVS (Italian Association of families and victims of the road)
and of president of the non-profit organization AUFV (Association, of associations, unitary of families and victims).
The AIFVS, already Committee in 1998, was founded in 2000 and – without fear of contradiction – is the oldest Italian association among those that take care of road accidents’ victims and road prevention. 
It has participated actively, along with several other associations, in the battle to get the “road murder”.
For some years now an animated debate inside the AIFVS has been underway, but I think I can bring the greetings of all its members, regardless of their opinion on the association’s management.
As to the AUFV, also on the front row for getting the “road murder”,
it was officially born February 21th, 2016 (,
but in fact it had already been conceived December 6th, 2014, with the creation of the Italian Union for Road Safety (UISS –
It is not a new association, but a federation of associations…
Because the need for unity and cooperation, which has led to this conference of Moulins, is also felt by all the Italian associations and ordinary citizens who care, above all, about the achievement of the objectives.
The founders and the members of the AUFV ( have understood that, if you don’t put aside the particular interests of the individual associations and – above all – of the lawyers that through such associations find their clients, it will be impossible to get to really important and definitive results in the war against the road barbarism.
The AIFVS and AUFV will always be close to the French friends and brothers and of the whole world, in pursuit of the common objectives, primarily those of stopping the road carnage and of giving justice to the victims.
Moulins (France), Saturday, October 29th, 2016
Claudio Martino, president
of the non-profit organization AUFV (Association, of associations, unitary families and victims)
and press secretary of the non-profit organization AIFVS (Italian Association of families and victims of the road)

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